Introduction: OxiFine - Smart Pulse Oximeter

About: I am a student who loves robotics and craft work. My mother is my overall supporting personality.

OxiFine is an open-source Pulse Oximeter device made using minimal components and the simplest design aspects. It is a modular device that is different from conventional pulse oximeters. The makers can build the device and can monitor the pulse rate in bpm and SpO2 level in % using the companion mobile application. This will take away the display unit from the device and we can power it using a normal micro-b USB power adapter so that batteries can also be avoided. This will ultimately reduce the size and cost of the product.


Step 1: Build the Circuit

Connect the pins of MAX30100 to the NodeMCU as per the circuit diagram

Vin >> 5V
SCL >> D1
SDA >> D2
Gnd >> Gnd

Step 2: Print the 3D Parts

Print settings that I've used

Nozzle diameter: 0.6mm
Layer height: 0.28mm
Infill percentage: 100%

Step 3: Upload the Code to NodeMCU D1 Mini

Step 4: Assemble the Components

Assemble the components inside the 3D Printed Enclosure. And to give it an elastic effect, two pieces of rubber bands are glued to the body as shown

Step 5: Create the App

  • Download Blynk app
  • Sign in
  • Add two gauges
  • Name them as pulse rate and SpO2
  • Give the units as bpm and %
  • Define the pins as V0 for pulse rate and V1 for SpO2

Step 6: Connect the App and Start Reading

Step 7: Results

This table shows the values given by the OxiFine when tested on the same person in comparison to a commercially available pulse oximeter device. The results were on par with the commercially available device.