Introduction: P90
Alright, without any work for two days I present the long awaited for P90 with horizontal magazine. Again, I thank KGB for the entire body design of this gun, Knextremist for making a readible instructible on how to make it, and Dr Richtofen for magazine placement ideas. The only thing I credit myself to is the horizontal magazine and mag lock. Now I was kind of lazy when I took pictures for this gun so if you don't get how something comes together leave me a comment. Also for the basic design of the body, feel free to refer to Knextremist P90, because realistically I only took things off his version.
Anyway lets build this thing!
A JonnyBGood first.... A parts list!
Anyway lets build this thing!
A JonnyBGood first.... A parts list!
2 gray rods
1 gray bendy rod
1 yellow rod
6 orange bendy rods
21 blue rods
132 white rods
311 green rods
8 cut rods (6 are actually needed. Cut to a three connector length)
40 white connectors
22 blue connectors
95 yellow connectors
16 green connectors
1 purple connector
45 red connectors
46 orange connectors
4 light gray connectors (two attachment points. Makes ‘V’ shape)
25 gray connectors (single attachment point)
-small special parts-
33 black y-clips
10 small metallic blue connectors
14 tan connectors
3 hinges
2 ball and socket joints
7 gray spacers
Step 1: Central Core and Mech
Pretty simply put, this part makes the gun work! Make sure to follow the pictures and ask questions if you need clarification.
Step 2: The Main Body
Alrighty! The hardest part of this is done so now all you need to do is build the body! A lot of pics are here for clarity so enjoy!
Step 3: The Finishing Details
These are the finishing details after this you have finished. (Finishing details= finished)
Step 4: Done!!! =)
Good job! Please enjoy your P90 and feel free to coment about any troubles you're having with it. I have a lot of other ibles' in the works right now so please subscribe for my other projects!
Also see my Youtube video on the preview for info on how to use the horizontal mag.
Also see my Youtube video on the preview for info on how to use the horizontal mag.