Introduction: PCB Guitar Pick

About: I'm a physics student. I like to build stuff and learn about electronics.
In my first Instructable, I gonna show you how to make the most geek guitar pick ever.

This pick IS NOT MY IDEA, I take the model from

Step 1: Materials

For this project you will need:

- Any cool PCB (The thickness isn't really relevant so you can take the circuit you prefer. I took it from an old cd drive).
- Power drill (If you have a dremel, better).
- Drill bit to cut plastic.
- Sandpaper.
- Pen.
- Patience (not optional).

- Soldering iron.
- Three hand or vice grip.

Step 2: Select the Work Zone and Cut It

Now you need to choose what part of the circuit do you want to use. If the area has components, take out with the soldering iron.

Then, cut it.

Step 3: Mark and Cut(again)

Afterwards, draw the pick outline in the PCB and cut it with the power drill or the dremel.

Step 4: Make It Better!

Now look good, but not gorgeous. So, take the sandpaper and clean the both sides. Don't worry about the circuit, the sandpaper only erase the surface layer.
After that, sand the edge and finish the work.

Step 5: Enjoy It!

Finally you have your own and untransferable circuit guitar pick!

Sorry for my bad english and play with it a lot!