Introduction: PS3 Disc Case Usb Gadget

With all your extra Usb Dongles lying around why not put theme in a stylish case.

This will show you how to make your own PS3 disc case USB Gadget

Step 1: Materials

 You will need:

A Game case (Others may work I've Only used PS3)
A  knife or scissors
Usb device(Bluetooth, Flash drive, mouse receiver, Ect.)
Duct Tape
Hot Glue
USB Extender (Optional)

Step 2: Cut

Now open up the case and find a place to put it. You probably will have to cut CAREFULLY to fit theme in.  you may also have to take the usb out of the case.

Step 3: Tape and Glue

Now tape and glue it into place and dont damage it.

Now use a Usb Extender to plug it in.