Introduction: PVC Fishing Rod Holder

In this Instructable, I will show you how to make a fishing rod holder from some materials you probably already have lying around.
Also, I hate to turn this into a sermon, but I am extremely disappointed with Instructables for introducing "Pro" accounts. If you cannot view all the steps at one time and/or can't view the PDF, send me a private message with your email address and I'll send a PDF to you (If you think I'm being unfair, consider Wikipedia, who raised God-knows how much money by just asking for donations. I would have gladly donated.).
To the Instructables staff- if you aren't too mad at me for condemning the "Pro" accounts, feel free to add this to the Father's Day Guide.
Lastly- the pictures in this Instructable were taken with a cell phone. Forgive me for their poor quality.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

To make the rdo holder, you will need:
-About 5 feet of PVC pipe. I used 1 1/2 in. pipe, but you can use whatever fits your rods.
-Various wood scraps. A few 2 x 4's should do it.
-Some screws. I used 3 in. drywall screws, but once again, use whatever you have.
-Some nails. If you're like me and get frustrated trying to fit a screw through the pilot holes in the pipe, use these instead.

-A hacksaw to cut the pipe.
-A hand drill with various bits.
-A hammer, if you choose the nails.
-A regular toolbox saw, circular saw, or whatever you chose to cut the wood with.

Step 2: Saw

Saw your 2 x 4 into a manageable length. Cut two end pieces that will support the main piece.

Step 3: Drill

Drill some pilot holes into the supports and main piece, or don't if you're lazy.

Step 4: Why Don't We Get Drunk And...

Screw the supports to the main piece, or nail them if you're still lazy. I forgot to take a picture of this, so here's a SketchUp model of what you're going for:

Step 5: Saw II

Cut the PVC into lengths that will hold your rods. Cut as many as you have rods, wish you had, fit onto the main piece, etc. I cut eight. Again, there's no picture. Sorry.

Step 6: Drill: Part Deux

Drill two pilot holes into each length of PVC, and into the main piece.

Step 7: Screw Again

Screw the pieces of PVC to the main piece of wood. You're done!

Step 8: Fin

Here some pictures of the rod holder in action.
Images were edited with Photoscape and Google SketchUp. Hurry and get these programs before they sell out and start charging like Instructables!