Introduction: PVC Flag Poles

About: I am an avid lover of urban myths such as Aliens, sasquatches, yetis, loch ness monsters, chupacabras, and such. I also play bass guitar double bass and I DJ. Top Ten Chaps On Instructables (in my eyes) …
Have you ever heard that you can make anything with PVC well you can and here's how you make a PVC flagpole.

Step 1:


All of these PVC pieces should be the 1 1/2 inch PVC

2 Four Feet pieces of PVC

6 Six inch pieces of PVC

2 Twelve inch pieces of PVC

1 PVC Double connector

3 PVC T connectors

4 PVC Elbow connectors

1 PVC cap

2 Eye screws (Preferably 5 mm)

2 Climbing clips

Step 2:

Step one

Put the base together as seen in the picture.

Step 3:

Step two

Put one of the four foot pieces into the base. As shown in the picture.

Step 4:

Step three

Attach the double connector to the top of the four foot piece

Step 5:

Step four

Drill 2 holes into the other four foot piece and screw your eye screws into the holes and clip the clips onto the screws.

Step 6:

Step five

attach the drilled four foot piece to the double connector and place the cap on top of the pole and you are done.

Sorry that it is sideways