Introduction: PVC Pneumatic Potato Gun

About: Hi! My name is Jack and I spend my time making what ever inspires me. I most recently am interested in turning, knife making, and fine wood working. I enjoy using this website and hope to contribute more!

I have always been interested in PVC cannons. When I was 10 I tried to make one using a old nerf gun and a bike pump. Needless to say it didn't work, it leaked to much and fired nerf bullets about 3 feet. But now I have been re-introduced to PVC cannons because of the "launch it" contest and wanted to make a nice potato gun for universal use. For example I could just use the tank of the gun for a air tank. Or I could convert it into a combustion cannon. (Look for another instructable in the future about that!) or it could shoot tennis balls. It's a good potato gun and is pretty versatile. Thank's.

Glue Contest

Participated in the
Glue Contest

Launch It! Contest

Participated in the
Launch It! Contest

Great Outdoors Contest

Participated in the
Great Outdoors Contest