Introduction: PVC Socket Wrench
A few weeks ago, I changed the tap on my kitchen's sink.
There was a long bolt holding the tap to the think. It took me ages to fasten the nut as there was no space for an adjustable wrench.
I don't own a socket wrench tool as it's not something I would use a lot, but that day it would have been handy.
In this Instructable, we look at a simple way to make a socket wrench or spark plug wrench from a PVC pipe.
Great for situation when you need a socket wrench, but you don't have one.
What will you need:
- PVC pipe
- Pipe bender spring (Optional)
- Heat-gun or a candle
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Step 1:
I put a pipe bender spring in a PVC pipe and heated it up with a heat-gun.
When heating the PVC, make sure to do it outside or wear a respirator
If you don't own a heat-gun, candle will also do the trick.
Just heat it up on top of the candle.
Step 2:
Then I bent the pipe.
When the PVC was cold, I removed the spring.
If you don't have a spring, you can still try to bend it.
Step 3:
I heated up one end of the pipe and slid it onto the nut.
When the PVC had cooled, I removed the nut.
I also added a cap on the other end (for decorative purposes)
Step 4:
That's it!
Now you have a PVC socket wrench.
I have tried to make it for 2 different size nuts and it did the job.
If you need to remove the nut from a long bolt, just make a longer socket wrench.
Or you can even attach it to your drill.
If the nut is very tight, don't use the tool first (at the end of the day it's plastic)
Use other tools available to unfasten the nut and then switch to the PVC socket wrench to remove it.