Introduction: Pan Restoration

About: I love to cook and I love woodworking. Anything handmade with craftsmanship is interesting to me. I like all sorts of crafts, and just like working with my hands and creating things
Took an old pan and restored it to its original glory. I'm not much of a writer, the pictures show all the things necessary to restore a pan

Step 1: Wash the Pan

I didn't take a picture before this step, the pan was so black you couldn't tell it was copper coated. Anyways, soak the pan in vinegar/baking soda/Epsom salt/soap for a while. Do this outside, it smells. I did mine out on the porch and forgot about it for a couple days.

Step 2: Degreasing

Hit it with some degreaser and start scrubbing/sanding. Small circles work best

Step 3: Scrub/sand/scrub Some More

Step 4: Make It Shine

Step 5: Wire Brush and File the Handle

Step 6: Show It Off