Introduction: The Easy Paper Airplane Auto Retrieval System
Step 1: Things You Need
20-30ft of yarn (string works)
Hole Puncher (scissors work)
A Paper Air Plane (a ball of paper works)
: ) That is all.
Hole Puncher (scissors work)
A Paper Air Plane (a ball of paper works)
: ) That is all.
Step 2: Punch the Hole
Take your airplane at the back and punch a hole in it
Step 3: Tie the Knot
Take your yarn/string and pull it through the hole. Then tie a knot.
Step 4: Throw the Plane
Chuck that thing across the room because you no longer need to get up to retrieve it. : )
(note:remember to hold onto the string!)
(note:remember to hold onto the string!)
Step 5: You Are Done!
Good job! you have successfully equipped your plane with the auto retrieval system!
Have fun.
Thanks for looking!
Have fun.
Thanks for looking!