Introduction: Paper Claws
Using just paper to make works of art has been a tradition in some societies for centuries. In this step by step walk though, you will learn how to make a claw out of paper. CAUTION: Claws may be sharp. Take care not to scratch or poke yourself or others. Use at your own risk.
Step 1: Find Some Paper
Take a piece of normal printer paper. Notebook paper works just as well. Note: Make sure that the paper is unmarked and unfolded or the claw will be flimsy and won't work as well.
Step 2: Fold the Paper
Take the top right corner of the sheet and fold it down so the top edge is lined up with the left edge.
Step 3: Fold Again
Take the top left corner (this should be the only top corner) and fold it down to the other side.
Step 4: Fold the Bottom Corners
Take the two bottom corners and fold them over so that the outside edges line up with the last fold.
Step 5: Fold the Bottom Portion of the Paper Up Onto the Top
Take the bottom portion of the paper and fold it back onto the top.
Step 6: Fold the Right Side Over
Take the right corner and fold it across so that the edge lines up with the center of the folded sheet
Step 7: Fold Again
Take the previous fold and fold again on it self almost as if you were rolling it across
Step 8: Repeat Previous Step
Fold the claw over one last time.
Step 9: Tuck in the Back Point
This step is tricky. Take the bottom point and tuck it into the fold that was made by the previous creases.
Step 10: Put on Claw
Congrats. You did it! You now have a paper claw. Make five or even ten of them to cover both hands. CAUTION: Claws may be sharp. Take care not to scratch or poke yourself or others. Use at your own risk.