Introduction: Paper Fighter Jet

About: I'm a high school student who loves making and hacking stuff!
It's raining, again. And you're very board...

Just fold this little plane and your boredom will be busted!


This plane is very fast and can injure property (lampshades, etc) and people, so please be careful!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies.

1. Sheet of paper

2. A really small pair of scissors (the smallest ones I could find we're on the knife).

Step 2: Fold the Paper in Half the Long Way.

Step 3: Fold the 2 Outer Edges to the Center Crease.

Step 4: Fold the 2 Ends to the Center Crease.

Step 5: Fold the Point Down to About the Center of the Paper.

Step 6: Fold Down Front the Front Once.

Step 7: Fold It Down Again.

Step 8: Fold the Plane in Half.

Step 9: Fold Down the Wings.

Step 10: Cut 3 Slits in the Fuse.

Step 11: Pop Up 2 of the Slits.

Step 12: All Done, Be Safe, and Have Fun