Introduction: Paper Flower Pot
This flower pot is super fun and easy to make! You will need paper, liquid glue and a glue stick. Scissors are optional.
Step 1: Preparing Paper
You're going to want to start by preparing the paper for your vase. This is the most tedious part of the vase so you might want to borrow a friend to help you. For preparation, you're going to want to cut or tear the paper in half. For this project, I used two types of paper, construction paper along with printer paper, you should end up with approximately 4.25 by 12-inch strips. Fold this sheet into fourths and glue the open ends so it is one piece. Repeat this until you have about 60-70 strips to start.
Step 2: Making the Base
You're going to want to take a strip and bend the end a bit until it can roll into itself. Cover this in glue then continue adding glue and strips until you have a base the size you desire. The second photo is my finished base after I let it dry for 45 minutes.
Step 3: Sides
Once you have your base you're going to want to start adding sides to it. Place your next strip on the base with about 2 millimetres of the base showing, you'll see the height of the base start to grow. Repeat this step and continue to pull the strips up until you have the height of pot you desire.
Step 4: Make It Your Own!
From here you should let your pot dry then you can put flowers in it, pencils, or put it on display!!