Introduction: Paper Guitar Pick

About: Paper stuff! easy and simple
This Paper guitar pick can last almost forever and its waterproof!
simple (slightly dirty) and you can design it yourself.

Step 1: Things You Need

You will need:
1. Paper
2. Superglue
3. Pen knife (i use craft knife)
4.  Pencil
5. A Guitar pick
6. various grade of sandpaper

Step 2: Trace and Cut

Depence on how thick you paper is the amount of layers vary.
mines about 0.1mm. 
Some maths involve here!

1 layer of paper is about 0.1mm
the glue layer is about 0.05mm

so trace and cut accordingly  

Step 3: Gluing the Layers

after cutting all the layers, glue all of them together with superglue, compress it and leave it to dry.
when its dry coat the paper pick withe superglue.

Step 4: Final Touches

when its dry you can use a few grades of sandpaper and sand it to shape and to make it smooth.

as you can see in the picture its waterproof and my (failed alittle) skyrim symbol.
it gives a rather soft sound.