Introduction: Paper Mache Datsyuk

Paper mache is a 3D hand made project , which is made out of water bottle, cement inside the bottle, paper, liquid glue, and paint.

What did you make?
I made a paper mache of my favorite hockey player, Pavel Datsyuk. To make this project I used a water bottle as the base. I used cement inside the bottle to hold the bottle down. I used paper to cover the bottle display and I painted on the paper. The paper was also used to make the body parts such as the head, the arms,head and feet. I also used liquid solution/glue to stick the paper down to the figure. Lastly, I used paint to make the whole project come alive. I used a lot of red, black, white, brown, and white paint. 

How did you make it?
The idea just came to me, I really like hockey and I thought why not make my paper mache of of my favorite hockey player. This was a solo project although I got help from my art teacher at school. My plans went as planned and the product turned out as expected.

Where did you make it?
This project was worked on at school. I keep this project displayed on in my room and when I look at it, it reminds me how much I love the Red Wings, and how great of a player he is. This also inspires me how hard I have to work to be a great player.

What did you learn?
The biggest challenges I faced was the face, it was difficult to make the eyes look as real as possible. Also it was difficult adding on the body parts arms and head that were only made with paper. They continually fell off so it required a lot of tape to stick it on the figure. If I were to build this project again I would change the position he is standing in. Right now he is standing in the position as if scored a goal, I would change it so he would be standing in the position of him shooting the puck. I would make him standing in this position because it would be a cool action shot in 3D.
Make-to-Learn Youth Contest

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Make-to-Learn Youth Contest