Introduction: Paper Oni Mask
When we think of decoration, the first thing we always think of are rigid materials such as ceramics or clay crafts, even materials such as metal and sometimes even cement. Many times these materials are expensive and their handling can be complex, so today I bring you a traditional Japanese mask for you to make in the comfort of your home, on your sofa or even in your bed, and with low-cost materials, which is what we like the most.
But what material can be the simplest but at the same time the most powerful for our creations?
That's right: paper.
We use paper for everything in our lives. We learn to write on it, to create sketches, to make calculations, to write love letters, or simply to express an idea that can revolutionize the world.
So today we will work with paper, what happens next is up to you.
For this project we will use basic materials that we all have at home, such as:
- Scissors
- Templates (check the step 3 for download)
- Liquid Glue
- Ruler Optional
Step 1: About the Oni Mask
Representing the eternal battle between good and evil, the most iconic Japanese mask is the Oni mask, which depicts demonic creatures from folklore.
With fierce expressions including sharp fangs and horns, Oni masks symbolize power, protection, and strength according to ancient Japanese mythology.
The origin of these masks can be traced back to the supernatural beings known as “Oni.” These mythical creatures were tasked with upholding justice and punishing those who behaved immorally or committed crimes.
These masks were traditionally adorned with vibrant pigments and worn during ceremonies to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
Japanese Oni masks may also be familiar from anime. The Japanese Oni mask possesses a distinctive, fearsome, and artistically captivating aesthetic, skillfully portraying mythological creatures.
Oni masks are usually expensive, even the replicas.
So today we will make an Oni mask using only glue and paper. Patience and attention to detail will be crucial to finish it. Then, your creativity will be the key to decorate it.
This time we will work in a futuristic Oni mask design.
Step 2: Templates
Prepare to spend less than a quarter of a dollar out of your pocket on printing ink, because you will have to print 6 pages. The pages do not actually have even 5 percent ink fill, so the only thing it will cost you is the paper. I recommend printing them on heavyweight paper, which will not cost you more than 3 dollars.
The truly costly thing will be your patience cutting all the pieces that make up this project.
(But this stays between us, the final piece is worth it.)
Step 3: Download Templates
Here you can download the templates, please note that they are in pdf format for printing in tabloid size.
To guide you in the assembly, take into account each piece and its respective joints in the following steps.
Step 4: Nose
From this step on, the assembly of the nose begins, so in the following steps you will find tips and step-by-step instructions for a good assembly.
The nose is one of the most representative pieces of the oni masks, being almost always pointed and elongated.
Step 5:
The first thing we will do is cut our pieces. Try to cut them in groups so as not to make a mess of pieces.
Cut the pieces you are going to work from the templates according to step
Step 6:
Then, with the help of an scoring tool, we will mark the tabs. In the case of a normal fold, we will mark them on the back of the piece, and if it is a valley fold, we will mark them on the front.
Use a soft cardboard to avoid damaging your table.
If you do not have an scoring tool, you can use an old pen without ink to trace the markings.
Step 7:
With the help of a ruler, score these folds.
and organize your pieces to avoid problems when gluing.
Step 8:
Apply glue to the tabs respectively and with the pressure of your fingers join the pieces together.
Do this slowly, take your time and also give the glue time to dry.
Step 9: Mouth
Now do the same with each piece from this step onwards, in this case with the jaw, the lower part of the mask.
Step 10:
Create a crease in the paper with the scoring tool or old pen to fold it.
Step 11:
Glue the pieces together and join them, Always checking the order represented in the images and comparing the shapes with those of their templates
Step 12:
Now continue with the jaw
Step 13:
Remember to do the gluing process calmly, and more so for the curved parts as in this case of the jaw.
Step 14:
Now join the side parts with the bottom of the jaw
Step 15: Teeth
The teeth are a simple piece but be careful when cutting the pointed parts remember that the teeth are another representative part of the oni
Step 16: Infraorbital
Always check the distribution of the pieces to avoid making mistakes and if you have any doubts, always visit the images to join them correctly.
Step 17:
Score the paper tabs with the dotting tool
Step 18:
To assemble the cheekbones, follow the layout of the images. Although the design is quite intuitive, don't forget to check the images.
Step 19: Top Head
Cut the templates for the top of the head
check the first image for a correct assembly distribution
Step 20:
Dotting time again and again :)
Step 21:
Glue the pieces according to the distribution, and remember that since it is a symmetrical sculpture you will have to make 2 pieces, the right and left parts.
Step 22:
Here you can see an example of the right and left pieces.
Step 23: Top Head Holes
Now we will make the socket part where the horns are located, cut pieces again...
Step 24:
You will get a piece similar to the one in the first image which fits perfectly into the hole at the top of the head, note right and left
Step 25:
Now put everything together, the top and the horn socket, later you will see how the horns fit perfectly too
Step 26: Horns
Cut and cut again :)
Step 27:
After marking the tabs with the dotting tool, we will glue the horns. Initially, join two long pieces and start joining them from the bottom, one tab at a time to create a better grip.
Step 28:
At the end you will find the last edge to join, this will be joined differently, join it from the tip to the bottom, with the help of a toothpick apply pressure for better adhesion.
Step 29:
After making the reflection piece you will have the finished Horns
Step 30: Upper Fang
cut, mark and paste
Step 31:
Glue the pieces of the upper fang as you see in the images, one piece is the front and the other is the back.
Don't forget to glue the sealing piece which will be used to glue the fangs onto the mask
You will find a side hole which will give space to place the lower fang and will serve as a guide for its location as well
Step 32:
Upper Fangs: Check
Step 33: Low Fang
After making each previous piece, making the lower fang will be a game. So put into practice what you have done so far and don't forget to check the images.
Step 34: Assebly
Now it's time for final assembly
I leave you respective images of all the pieces that you have to make to achieve success in this project, review them and you will find all the parts manufactured so far.
Step 35: Assembling the Top of the Head
To join the top of the head, you have to take into account the eyebrow, it will be the base and guide of the union, join the right part first and then the left.
Use the second image as a guide, let it dry well between each part glued.
Step 36: Assembling the Infraorbital Region
Now join the cheekbones with the nose, In the central infraorbital part you will find the respective tabs to stick the nose, take your time, as these tabs are so small it is best to apply good pressure for a long period of time.
Step 37: Assembling the Teeth
Glue the teeth in a centered manner and follow the location of the tabs with their counterpart
Step 38: Assembling the Mouth
To complete the lower part of the face we will join with the glue the jaw with the infraorbital part.
Step 39: Assembling the Face
Now we will use two square tabs to join the top of the head with the bottom of the face, placing them on the sides (right and left) let's apply good glue and let it dry well to avoid
Step 40: Internal Reinforcement
To give it better stability, place a thin strip of paper on the nose
Step 41: Ready for the Horns
ready to install the horns
Step 42: Assembling the Horns
Apply glue to the inside of the socket and push the horns to the desired point
Step 43: Assembling the Fangs
and finally place the upper fangs in the designated space, as indicated in the images in this step, this is to later be able to locate the lower fangs
Step 44: Oni Part I
In the end you will get a stylish piece that can decorate any space and with a very small budget, the final piece is awesome.
Step 45: Thanks for Watch
After you have finished your decorative mask, you can decorate it as you like.
In my case I left it with the original lines of the templates because with the lighting in my room I feel that they give it a cyberpunk touch.
Don't forget: There are no limits to your creativity.
If you make it, comment here to see your result. Thank you for Watching this project.