Introduction: Paper Weaving Pendant

About: I am a hobbyist, parent.. love to make quilling, paintings, craft work, kids project, stay tuned for more.

Hi Friends

this is a DIY tutorial of paper weaving pendent.

Its easy, quick and beautiful project. So lets start...

Step 1: What We Need?

  1. Quilling paper ( I use 5mm red and beige colour)
  2. scissor
  3. Fevicol / Gum
  4. jump ring (jewellery finding)
  5. leather cord / silk cord for necklace

Step 2: Start Weaving

join two red strip with the help of glue, similarly join two beige strips.

join these red and beige strips in cross shape, as shown, with glue.

wait till dry.

Now, start weaving as shown:

fold 1st strips

then fold 2nd fold

then fold 3rd fold

lastly, weave 4th one through first strip.

Kindly refer the figures.

Step 3: Continue

Continue paper weaving in a same way ..

Step 4: End Part

Cut the extra strips

secure the end part with glue..

Step 5: Give the Shape

To give the final shape, bend as shown, and paste the two end with glue.

Keep holding for a while, till dry.

Refer the figure

Step 6: Attach Findlings

when the paper weaving shape holds as require, attach findings (jump ring)

Step 7: Finally Ready to Wear.

Now, the last part, attach leather cord or silk thread necklace cord (available in market) and its ready to wear.

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