Introduction: Paper Shopping Bag Drawer Organizers
Hi! This is my first Instructable, and I did a search to see if someone had posted something similar but couldn't find anything, so here goes.
Quickly and easily make drawer compartments out of old paper shopping bags!
Quickly and easily make drawer compartments out of old paper shopping bags!
Step 1: Materials
For this instructable, you'll need a paper shopping bag and possibly a pair of scissors, depending on the height of your bag and the depth of your drawer. Shallower bags, like the small Victoria's Secret bags you get when you buy underwear, often don't require trimming.
The size of the bottom rectangle of the bag will be the size your your drawer compartment, so the number of compartments you can fit in a drawer will obviously depend on the size of your bags.
The size of the bottom rectangle of the bag will be the size your your drawer compartment, so the number of compartments you can fit in a drawer will obviously depend on the size of your bags.
Step 2: Measure and Cut
Place your paper bag in the drawer and note approximately how deep you can make your compartment. You'll want to cut an inch or two (or three) above that.
Step 3: Measure Again and Fold
Okay, now place the bag that you have cut into the drawer and fold the edges inward at a height such that the drawer can close without hitting the bag. It's better to fold the bag here rather than cut at this height because the folded layer gives the rim some rigidity and stability and keeps the compartment open. Otherwise, the paper bag opening would close because of the folds already on the sides.
You're done! Enjoy your new compartments and more organized drawer.
You're done! Enjoy your new compartments and more organized drawer.