Introduction: Paper Airplane: the BAT X.3

About: I am a trumpet player in the Beavercreek Marching Band & Color Guard. I work with computers a lot and make many paper airplanes in my spare time.
This plane is one of the best planes I have ever made. It has its own unique design and overall look and appeal. It is both a glider and faster flier, depending on how well you make it.

WARNING: All of your folds for this plane must be precise and dead- on or else the plane won't fly right.

MATERIALS: 1 college ruled sheet of notebook paper (I use the lines to show exactly where to fold).

Step 1: Making the Base

Alright for this step, you must make a basic x-crease glider base. If you do not know how to do that, all the steps are below.

Step 2: The 'ears'

This step will show you how to make the most distinguishable feature on the plane that sets it apart, the so-called 'ears' (yes, the ears are why its called the bat).

Step 3: The Body

Here is the finishing steps to folding the bat. These must be folded precisely, like all other folds, to work right.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Alright, just follow the pictures.

THROWING INSTRUCTIONS: If you want it to go fast, you just throw it hard, if you want it to glide, throw it softer at a slight upward angle. It can also be thrown by holding it in place *1 in the pic.

Upcoming Instructables of mine:
BAT x.1 (final)
BAT x.2 (final)
BAT x.4 (final)
HAWK v.1 (just a few kinks to work out)