Introduction: Parachute Launch
How to launch cheap parachute men. Easy. Fast. Something to do. Try it.
Step 1: Version 1
There are two ways to do this, the first, cooler, but does not work as well. The second, works well, not as accesorized...
1. this is very simple...
let out plastic parachute
attatch parachut figure to nerf gun bullet (i used a small rubber band
shoot nerf gun off roof or high place
this is cool to be able to launch the actual figure as well as the nerf bullet, but it makes it quite heavy. the nerf gun will only be able to launch it 5-7 is only slightly better than tossing the parachute man(which doesn't work very well)
1. this is very simple...
let out plastic parachute
attatch parachut figure to nerf gun bullet (i used a small rubber band
shoot nerf gun off roof or high place
this is cool to be able to launch the actual figure as well as the nerf bullet, but it makes it quite heavy. the nerf gun will only be able to launch it 5-7 is only slightly better than tossing the parachute man(which doesn't work very well)
Step 2: Version 2
This version works much better. The only downside is not having a figure with the nerf bullet.
2. this is also very simple
cut strings from parachote charcter
tie strings around suction tip of nerf bullet
launch off roof or high place
if you do try using version one and come up with any new improved ideas, please post them!! Also, you can see my other parachute man instructable an do a little customizing...enjoy!
P.S. my other parachute instructable shows how to make te parachute part if you cant find one...
2. this is also very simple
cut strings from parachote charcter
tie strings around suction tip of nerf bullet
launch off roof or high place
if you do try using version one and come up with any new improved ideas, please post them!! Also, you can see my other parachute man instructable an do a little customizing...enjoy!
P.S. my other parachute instructable shows how to make te parachute part if you cant find one...