Introduction: Paracord Guys
These guys look great on backpacks and are fun to play with.
Step 1: Supplies
You need 2 different colors of paracord scraps each one about a foot, a lighter,scissors,and a key ring.
Step 2: Burn Rope
You will need to make sure that all ends are melted.
Step 3: The Head and Key Ring
Tie the knot in the picture
Step 4: The Body
Start with an overhand knot then proceed to make the cobra knot till you have the body length you want. Remember to pull tight
Step 5: Hands and Feet
Tie over hand knots on the legs and arms. I suggest making the arms go down to the bottom of the body.
Step 6: Cut and Burn
Cut the ends then melt then, using scissors press the melted end into the hand and, voila! You're done!!! Good jobs guys!
Step 7: Other Fun Ideas!
Let you're imagination do the work for you, and have fun!