Introduction: Paracord Pouch for Mini Multi-Tools Leatherman PS4 or Gerber Dime

A man needs to protect his tool

Step 1: Make a Cobra Weave Bat

The same way you make a paracord bracelet, you make a cobra weave bar.

Step 2:

The cobra weave bar will be used as main structure for the pouch.

Step 3: Length

Make sure the cobra weave bar is long enough to wrap it around the tool perimiter, minus one side to be left open as the pouch mouth.

Step 4: Side Walls

With a paracord lacing needle, weave to side of the pouch, in and out as shown om the picture.

Step 5: Side Walls

Keep weaving from the mouth of the pouch, to the bottom, then cross to the other side and proceede weaving from bottom to top.

Step 6: Adjusting

keep going...

Step 7: Fitting

place the tool inside the pouch, adjust the side weaving by loosening or tightening as needed to assure a smooth fit.

Step 8: Finishing

Tie the ends of the side weaving, trim any excess and use a lighter to melt the ends.

Step 9: Et Voila!

surprisingly, it also fits the Gerber Dime Multi tool