Introduction: Parasit Studio Bit Breaker Guitar Effect Build

About: I am a researcher/ scientist in pressure metrology, in my spare time i play guitar, building thing, breaking thing,

Parasite Studio is a DIY guitar effects website that provides various materials for making your own guitar effects, especially those dealing with digital effects such as bitbreaker or fuzz.
The address Parasite Studio is located at

and Bitbreaker deluxe project


Parasite Studio adalah DIY gitar efek website yang menyediakan berbagai bahan unutuk membuat sendiri gitar efek, terutama yang berhubungan dengan digital efek seperti bitbreaker ataupun fuzz.

Alamat bit breaker terdapat di

Step 1: Software

The software used is Arduino IDE, where Arduino Uno is used to upgrade to the Board. Using ATtiny 85. To upload hex files, you cannot use the Usb Port directly to the details of how to upload hex to
https: // ...


If you use ATtiny85 IC then this is used

ATtiny Pin 7 to Arduino Pin 13 (SCK)

ATtiny Pin 6 to Arduino Pin 12 (MISO)

ATtiny Pin 5 to Arduino Pin 11 (MOSI)

ATtiny Pin 1 to Arduino Pin10 (RESET)

if using Digispark IC then this is used

Digispark P2 to Arduino Pin 13 (SCK)

Digispark P1 to Arduino Pin 12 (MISO)

Digispark P0 to Arduino Pin 11 (MOSI)

Digispark P5 to Arduino Pin10 (RESET)

ATtiny Pin 8 to Arduino + 5v (Vcc)

ATtiny Pin 4 to Arduino GND (Ground)

File required


Arduino Uno Go to File> Examples> ArduinoISP in the Arduino IDE

Hex ATTiny85 bitbreaker


Software yang diperunakan adalah Arduino IDE, dimana Arduino Uno dipergunakan untuk uplopad Ke Board.digisapar ATtiny 85. Untuk upload hex file tidak dapat menggunakan Usb Portnya langsung detail dari cara mengupload hex ke


Jika menggunakan IC ATtiny85 maka ini yang digunakan

ATtiny Pin 7 to Arduino Pin 13 (SCK)

ATtiny Pin 6 to Arduino Pin 12 (MISO)

ATtiny Pin 5 to Arduino Pin 11 (MOSI)

ATtiny Pin 1 to Arduino Pin10 (RESET)

jika menggunakan IC Digispark maka ini yang digunakan

Digispark P2 to Arduino Pin 13 (SCK)

Digispark P1 to Arduino Pin 12 (MISO)

Digispark P0 to Arduino Pin 11 (MOSI)

Digispark P5 to Arduino Pin10 (RESET)

ATtiny Pin 8 to Arduino +5v (Vcc)

ATtiny Pin 4 to Arduino GND (Ground)

File yang diperlukan


Arduino Uno Go to File > Examples > ArduinoISP dalam Arduino IDE

Hex ATTiny85 bitbreaker

Step 2: Hardware

For the core hardware of this effect using ATtiny85, which is used is digispark usb board.
Partlist (BOM)

Perforated PCB

Digispark USB

1/4 watt resistor: 10k, 1M.470k, 47k (x4)

Capacitors: 100nF (x2), 10nF, 1nF, 22uF

Jack 2 pieces

DC Jack


ATtiny Pin 7 to Digispark P2 ATtiny Pin 6 to Digispark P1

ATtiny Pin 5 to Digispark P0

ATtiny Pin 3 to Digispark P4

ATtiny Pin 2 to Digispark P3

ATtiny Pin 1 to Digispark P5


Untuk harware inti dari efek ini menggunakan ATtiny85, yang digunakan adalah digispark usb board.

Partlist (BOM)

PCB bolong

Digispark USB

Resistor 1/4 watt :10k,1M.470k,47k(x4)

Kapasitor :100nF (x2),10nF,1nF,22uF

Jack 2 Buah

Jack DC


ATtiny Pin 7 to Digispark P2
ATtiny Pin 6 to Digispark P1

ATtiny Pin 5 to Digispark P0

ATtiny Pin 3 to Digispark P4

ATtiny Pin 2 to Digispark P3

ATtiny Pin 1 to Digispark P5

Step 3: Assembly

By punching plastic boxes and attaching aluminum sheils,
Knop made of lego


Dengan membolongi plastik box dan menempelkan sheil aluminium ,

Knop dibuat dari lego

Step 4: Test and Final Product

Video exsample in parasite studio site, akan tetapi pngetesan dapat dili

Step 5: Update

Add 3pdt switch


Arduino Contest 2020

Participated in the
Arduino Contest 2020