Introduction: Parastand
This Parastand is meant to make it easier to measure lengths of paracord out. If you want more than 3 feet of paracord all you have to do is double back and so on and so forth. I hope you enjoy!
Step 1: Parastand
Materials: Screws, saw, wood boards (x2), roll of wire(x3) each of should be at least 15 1/2" long, blocks of wood(x2), 3 foot wooden post, 3 foot ruler, and nails
Board #1 (base): Horizontal: 17 1/2" Vertical: 18 1/2"
Board #2 (top): Horizontal: 18" Vertical: 10"
Board #1 (base): Horizontal: 17 1/2" Vertical: 18 1/2"
Board #2 (top): Horizontal: 18" Vertical: 10"
Step 2:
Nail the ruler to 3 foot post
Step 3:
Cut one board so that it forms 1/2 a circle. So it measures Horizontal: 18"
Vertical: 10" from the center
Vertical: 10" from the center
Step 4:
Drill holes into the top (measure using a spool of paracord). You are going to want to fit 3 spools on the top (so two in back and one in the front).
Step 5:
Next take the blocks (any size) and screw them to the top and bottom (on the back side) of the 3 foot post on the back side. Then screw it to the base.
Step 6:
Screw the top board to the post.
Step 7:
Lastly, feed the wires through the holes and bend the tips at 90 degree angles. (Sorry these picture is really blurring).