Introduction: Particle Photon Alarm Clock

You will need:

A particle photon
A small speaker
A button
A piece of cardboard
electrical wires
and a breadboard

Step 1: Frame

Cut a piece of cardboard to the measurements shown above.

Tape it together like shown above.

Step 2: Sync Photon

Follow the guide to sync a particle photon to your account on this website:

Step 3: Wire Up the Electronics

Wire up the electronics as shown above

Step 4: Code

Create a new file in particle Build.

Take the code from this .txt file and put it in your particle build file.


Step 5: Set Up IFTT

Go to and setup an IFTT account.

Then, go to the top right corner and create a new applet.

You want to create an applet that links your calendar to the particle IO.

Step 6: DONE!

Hook up the photon to power, set your google calendar so that your photon will receive the updates, and voila!