Introduction: Pasta From Scratch
10 Easy Steps to making pasta from Scratch.
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Step 1: Flour Well
- Pour 2 cups of flour into a mound.
- Create a well with your fist
- Crack 3 eggs in the center
- Add a pinch of salt and tsp of olive oil
Step 2: Whisk Eggs
Whisk the eggs with a fork. Gradually incorporate the flour.
Step 3: Whisk Until It Is All Incorporated.
Step 4: Knead the Dough With Your Hands and Form Into a Ball
Let it rest for a few minutes.
Step 5: Flatten With a Rolling Pin
Step 6: Pasta Roller
Roll the pasta dough through the pasta roller on the highest number.
Step 7: Almost There!
Gradually reduce the number as you roll (fold the pasta sheet over a couple times in the process)
Step 8: Cutting Dough Into Pasta
Once you’ve rolled it through the lowest number, cut it with the linguine option.
Step 9: Don't Clump Them Together!
Keep strands separated on a type of rack so the pasta doesn’t clump together.
Step 10: Cooking the Pasta
Boil in salty water until the linguine floats to the top.
- Add sauce of your choosing.
- Garnish with fresh basil and fresh parmesan.