Introduction: Patchwork Blankets
Hello everyone,
These projects are hand knitted blankets.
First blanket has 60 pieces and 20 different knitting techniques.
Step 1: Decide Which Knitting Techniques Would Be Used
The techniques are we decide; Coffee bean,
Rice Stitch
Garter Stitch
Garter Rib
Double Stockinette
Bamboo Stitch
Rose Stitch
Little Butterfly
Double Seed Stitch
Trinity Stitch
Brioche Rib
Broken Rib
Star Rib Mesh
Two by Two Rib
Mock Honeycomb
Basic Ribbing
Daisy Knitting
Flirtation Knitting
Step 2: Placement
You can spread the pieces randomly. In our opinion, same colors and same techniques shouldnt be side by side.
Step 3: Gradient Patchwork Blanket
This blanket has 24 pieces and 4 different knitting techniques.
The technique of combining blanket is same with the first one. But combining stitchs are blindstitch instead of lockstitch.