Introduction: Patient Monitor Using Arduino Uno
Patient monitor is a board used to monitor (Spo2, heart rate,air humidity,air temp and Body Temp)
and I used arduino uno (Atmega328p) as a controller for this project
and I have designed an Android App to receive this data and display it ,so I can send it to a database or anything other than just displaying it on Oled screen.
and in order to reduce the PCB size I used the Arduino on breadboard(that means I used only the micro controller without the big and bulky blue board).
- Atmega 328p (1)
- DHT11 (1)
- LM35 (1)
- lm7805 (1)
- HC-05 (1)
- 22pf (2)
- 16Mhz crystal (1)
- 10kohm resistor (1)
- push button (1)
- 0.33 uF(1)
- 0.1 uF (1)
- 1 kohm (1) resistor
- 2 kohm (1) resistor
Step 1: Change the Boad Rate of HC-05 to Match the Max30100 (115200)
you have to use At command in order to change hc05 baud rate
It's explained here
Step 2: Connect Every Thing
don't forget to setup a voltage divider using 1 and 2 kilo Ohm resistors, since the Hc05 is using 3.3v and Arduino 5v
Step 3: Arduino to Bread Board
use the instructions given in this link to setup your Arduino and upload the code to it
Step 4: Finally for the Mobile App
this App is designed using
this is aia file you can upload and deploy on your mobile