Introduction: Peanut Butter Syrup
This is a delicious sweet treat that is easy to make. All credit goes to my grandma for teaching me this amazing recipe.
Step 1: Ingredients
You need any kind of peanut butter. I recommend smooth. Next you need maple syrup. And also something to stir with and a container.
Step 2: Staring to Mix
Put a blob of peanut butter and pour some syrup in. You don't need measurements because if you want it to taste more sweet, add more syrup or if you want it to be more thick or taste less sweet just add more peanut butter
Step 3: Mixing
When your mixing the peanut butter will start to fall apart into chunks, So keep staring until it starts to go into a honey like consistency .
Step 4: Done
When is like a honey consistency you are done so enjoy, it tastes good on bread, toast, even just alone. So if you want to make a easy to make sweet treat just make this.