Introduction: Pen Making

22 steps to turning a Pen

Step 1:

basic tool that will make turning a pen much easier

Step 2:

Step 3:

Layout of Pen

Considerations in Design

• Mark and identify the top and bottom of the pen

• Understand your hardware design (what looks good on the hardware you are using)

• Look for interesting grain or features

• Squareness of blank, ease of drilling

• Defects in the blank

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:

Step 9:

Gluing Tubes

•Score with sand
paper each brass tube, 120- 150 grit

•Apply your glue of choice to the leading edge of the brass tube (I use CA glue or 5 Minute epoxy)

•Insert the tube from the cut part line face of the blank, keeping the brass edge close to the face of the part line, this helps keep a tight grain alignment from top to bottom of the finished pen

•Set aside to cure for about 20 minutes

Step 10:

Step 11:

Step 12:

Step 13:

Step 14:

Turning your Blank To Shape

• Cut from the edges into the centre of the blank to give it a rough shape. If required, make repairs as you go using CA Glue or epoxy with shavings or wood from the same blank.

• Final shaping and fine cut should be made with a freshly ground sharp edge. You can refine your shape moving the entire length of the blank.

• Consider your hardware in the form you are creating, will there be a smooth flow of shape from the turned pen blank to the hardware….what design considerations should I keep in mind with the hardware you have chosen..these are important questions to consider!

Step 15:


• Sanding

– Your finishing process is about refining the surface to a final finish using a progressive series of fine abrasives and polishes. I wet sand when ever possible

– Sanding should not be about changing the form, that should be controlled by your tool work

– Keep in mind that different materials can benefit from different finishing processes

• Tip:

– Your process will be improved by cleaning the pen blank surface between sanding grades.

– Use paper towels

Step 16:

Step 17:

Step 18:

Step 19:

Step 20:

Step 21: