Introduction: PennyTech "Plastic Surgery"

About: I'm a industrial designer since I can remeneber,,,well a Designer since I can remenber, dixlexic from birth even in Espanol, grow up in sur america mostlly in bogota colombia were i when to schcol for a long l…
Over the years i see a few diferent ways to repair broken plastic parts from thermoset, thermoplastics,etc but all of them lack from "Style" and they are ussually clumssy, tedius and dificult to deal with, the sistem i develop usses a single strand of "Safety wire" so is a continuos circuit with out any strands sticking out but also provides a "Close circuit benefit, so if any part breaks again, they whole thing does not fall apart...

let me see if i can explain it with my chessy Ingles..

Step 1: Findidng Something to Fix

the whole process start by breaking something first, at that sadlly i'm really good at, in this case is one of my motorcycle fairings after a big fall...

Step 2: Basic Concept and Detail of the Corner

I ussually make holes at about 1/4' of a inch apart and about a 1/4' from the crack, i also try to make the holes on the other side aling so everything is simetrical.

First thing is to cut a strand of wire about two feet long (much more than that is just a pain because it gets entangle to easy) of the thinnest you can find (sorry I don't remenber the gauge) I start by I inserting the wire from the "Back side" and then chose one of the holes (does not really matter what side) to start the spin, i ussually do five turns (by hand, no need for pliers) that is about the right amount of tension for a 1/4" distance, after i finish spining the two wires I procede to the next hole on the same side, I insert one of the two wires (I try to keep it even so i don't end up with one wire much longer than the other one) to go into the "back side" and the other one goes to the opossite side on the surface were i start the process again on the oposite side so i get this "zig-zag" look

Step 3: The Underside of Another Repair

this is the underside of the beak ( same as any other repair) you can see that is no strands of safety wire to cut your fingers and get "Velcro" to your gloves, cleaning rags and clothes) and in fact it looks like a fancy shoe lace work (you can also select to use this as the visible side) sometimes if the crack is to long i will use more than one piece of wire and i simply cover the extra "spyke" wire with more lacing.