Introduction: Phantom Bomber
Hello! My name is Jacob I am a 10-year-old kid whos into aviation I am bringing you to the next level of Paper airplane history! For my very first Instructable I am making a Supersonic paper airplane call PHANTOM BOMBER so in 2 minutes you could have a paper airplane that will soar in the skies! So what are you waiting for? first 30 views I am gonna make a special!
Any type of paper could do, Computer and printer optional, Scissors That's it
Step 1: Folding the Body
Watch the video
Step 2: Folding Wings
Ok is doesn't matter how big the wings are really if you want a glider long wings if you want a Fast plane the wings shorter.
Step 3: FLIGHT!
Very sorry about the background noise! The tip is you hold the little triangle then throw it!