Introduction: Phonix V1.0 (A Bluetooth Controlled Car)

About: Am undergraduate student at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, undertaking Mechanical Engineering major. I have interest in Robotics, specially Microcontroller based autonomous or semi-autono…

Phonix v1.0 is a bluetooth control car. I had made it to participate in the "Speed Racing" competition of my university. It is mainly a arduino based project. It's unique chassis design enables it to operate in both normal and upside down position. Speed and Direction of the car can be controlled by a android app, which is also designed by me.


Step 1: Make Chassis and Mount Motors

A custom-made chassis was made and motors were mounted on the chassis with the help of motor mountings. Wheels were connected with motors through hex-coupler.

Step 2: Electric Circuit Design and Connecting Components

All electric components were connected with the help of jumper wires according to our circuit design.

Step 3: Coding

Uploaded the arduino code (attached here) to our micro-controller (Arduino Uno).

N.B: Rx and Tx pins must be disconnected while uploading code.

Step 4: Application Design for Controlling the Car

I made an app (Phonix_V1) with the help of MIT app inventor to control the car with an android device. Block code for MIT app inventor is attached here.

Step 5: Test Drive

I tested the car to drive with an android device and it was working perfectly.

Battery-Powered Contest

Participated in the
Battery-Powered Contest