Introduction: Photo Frame in the Bottle
How to make photo frame in the bottle?
Step 1: First We Prepare the Required Materials
First we prepare the required materials
- a bottle
- 4 pieces of wood for frame
Step 2: Prepare the Equipment
Prepare the equipment
- Hacksaw
- Cutter
- Uhu adhesive
- Ruler
- 4 pieces of nails
- 2 pieces of stick
- scissor
- pliers
- drill
Step 3: Make the Frame
make 4 pieces of wood into a photo frame
Step 4: Make the Middle Line and Holes
give the middle line to include the photo
make the holes on each side of the frame to make it easier to assemble the frame inside the bottle
Step 5: Input the Pieces of Nails
input the pieces of nails in the frame A and D
Step 6: Input Frame A
input frame A into the bottom bottle, then input frame B, position the piece of nail frame A with frame B hole
Step 7: Input Frame B and C
input frame B, position the pieces of nail frame A with frame B hole, and also input frame C and position to the pieces of nail frame A with other side.
Step 8: Insert the Photo
insert the photo into the bottle in rolls, then input it into the frame
Step 9: Input Frame D
input frame D and position the piece of nail D with the holes of frame B and C
Step 10: Give Accesories
give accesories on the side of frame D to close the frame connection
Step 11: Decorate the Bottle Cap
cut the flannel and decorate the bottle cap
Thanks to viewing.