Introduction: Photo Sensing Iron Man Face
Makers : Harish and Kushal
Location :Banjarapalya E4D Maker space
We made this project at Banjarapalya E4D Makerspace, For the Instructables Build Night On Circuit Scribe. We enjoy this build night so much and it's really cool.
1. Conductive pen
2. A4 sheets
3.Photo sensor
4. NP N Transistor
5. LEDs
6. Buzzer
7.9v Battery
1. Pencil
2. Eraser
3. Blade
4. Stencil
Step 1: Draw the Iron Man Face
First draw the Iron man face on the A4 sheet Neatly with the help of pencil.
Step 2: Plan the Circuit
Plan the circuit on another A4 sheet, and draw the circuit with the help of conductive pen.
Step 3: Fix All Components
After completing the circuit you must take LED's, 9v Battery, Battery Adopter, Photo sensor NP N Transistor ,Buzzer and fix it to the circuit with the help of Steel pad.
Step 4: Put the Circuit Under the Drawing
Take the circuit and put it under the iron man drawing and make a hole where do u want to fix the photo sensor as showing in the photo.
Step 5: Your Photo Sensing Iron Man Face Is Ready
After fixing everything your Photo sensing iron man face is ready.
Step 6: See Video
See the video.