Introduction: Piggy Bank

I made a piggy bank because my advisor Mr.Ang needed one and I decided to teach him how to make it. In our 11th grade we use waybucks a those are like money to us because we as student have to earn that in our advisory to be able to buy snacks from the store that our advisors have and Mr.Ang wanted the piggy bank to put the waybucks inside the piggy bank.


For this project I only used the laser cutter and also a glue to glue the part together so it won't fall appart, but I used apps like Corel Vector, Maker Case, and the noun project.

Step 1: Teaching How to Make It.

When I was teaching Mr.Ang I first asked him to open up the three apps that we were going to be using and I explained to him what the three apps were for. After that I explain to Mr.Ang what was the purpose of the three apps I told to go to Maker Case and to look for a simple box when he found it I told him to press and it will take to choose the size and if he either wanted with label or without labels. I told him the size and to downloaded as an SVG so we could imported to Corel Vector and start design with letters converting to path so the laser cut would engrave the letter and figures that he wanted the piggy bank to have. Finally we were done and I send it to my email I opened glowforge and place the design and check that the settings were on the right way. I told Mr.Ang to turn on the fan and I teach him how turn on the laser cut how to place the wood and everything so he could do it by him self and then he press start and the laser cut started working.

Step 2: Building

The project finally came out and then Mr.And and I started building it we first build it without putting glue on it so we can know where all the parts were in the right place and after we build it I told Mr.Ang to start glue it and have a great piggy bank. It was so nice to do these because It came so good that he loved it.