Introduction: Pine Cone Lamp

This project I’ve made for myself. I’m fascinated by coniferous and for me it was obvious to choose a cone idea to create the lamp shade. This instructable is for beginners and intermediate grasshopper learners.
This is work in progress, I haven’t print the full model yet, but you can see different stages of this project.


Rhinoceros 5


Paneling Tools plugin


Fabtools (optional)

In this instructable I’ll explain the definition. I hope my way of organizing the algorithm will be helpful.
There are some of test 3d printed models. I used flexible and translucent PLA plastic.

In the archive you will find:

Complete definition - you can use it for your ideas or use it as is

Rhino file with basic shapes

Step 1: Definition

The definition is split on parts. I think when you draw a definition this way, you can read and clearly understand what's going on especially if you are not very experienced in Grasshopper.

Each part has inputs and outputs marked by colors and tags. It should be easy to follow this color coding.

Controllers and bake option are on the left in a special area. If you don’t want to change the definition you can just play with sliders and print your lamp.

Step 2: Basic Shape

Draw a curve beside a bulb silhouette (I use a pendant IKEA Hemma cord set). You can change line in any step, just make it not too complicated.

Note: direction of the curve is important. Points of the curve should be counted from the bottom to the top.

Step 3: Offset Surface

On this step we make an outer surface. The offset distance will control how much flakes will be overhang from the base surface. Both surfaces are transformed to grids controlled by sliders from step 1.

Step 4: Flake Module

There are few important things required to draw a proper flake.

1. When you draw basic rectangle, number points in any convenient way

2. To draw another 2 curves use Polyline or Control point curve. Place them on different height from the rectangle, modify them as you like

3. Note, that we will use module in a diamond grid. In that case draw both curves on diagonal of the rectangle

4. Last, but very important part is the direction of a line. Use points numbers as a guide and draw curves in same order. It will be way easier to control the shape of flakes later

5. By the way, if your loft doesn’t look properly, I offer few tweaks how to fix it. Check the pictures

On pictures you can see how different flakes can be.

Step 5: Main Geometry

Now check what you have. For further work we need: base and offset surfaces, grid points of both surfaces and a flake module.

Step 6: ​Diamond Grid

On this step we change our rectangular grid, add 1 row and create a diamond grid.

Step 7: Place the Module on the Object

In that step we place our module between two diamond grids surfaces by using Morph 3D. Now you see how curves changes depend on their places in the grid.

After that we split our data tree in thee branches. In first branch we have all ex-rectangles-diamonds, in second are middle curves, in third are top curves.

Now we can loft them together.

Step 8: ​Top and Bottom Triangles

In this step we fix edges of the lamp to avoid holes after we transform rectangular grid to the diamond one.

I don’t really like the fact that triangles are flat and looks a little different from other flakes, but for now I don’t know a better method to change them. If you know any other way, please, let me know.

Step 9: A Lid for a Pendant

Simple way to build the lid. I use the IKEA Hemma cord set model for size of the lid.

You will find the pendant on special layer in Rhino file.

Step 10: Thickness

On this step we join all objects, and add thickness to the model. For translucent plastic try to use model as thin as you can. This depends on type of 3D printer.

For that step WeaverBird Mesh Thicken is the best component. It adds an offset mesh and makes final mesh as a closed solid, which is important for good 3d printed result. But it works with mesh only, and we convert our brep-objects into mesh.

Now you can save your model as .stl file and print it.

Step 11: ​Bake Options. Optional

It is good to have a tool for baking by one click on proper layer. I use FabTools advanced Bake. This component helps organising results, especially if you are on a form-finding step.

It is very easy to use. You specify a name of a model, a layer to bake, a group if there is more than one object and my favourite feature Bake button.

Step 12: ​Final Result

I printed two types of modules, you can see how nice it’s printed. Afterlight post production the translucent effect is very nice and a future lampshade should be very cozy.

Thanks for whatching!
Look forward to see your results!

If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will help you.