Introduction: Pirate Hideout Treehouse
This is just a rough overview of the treehouse I built. I did not take pictures of all the small steps I took or all the hardware I used. You can find all that info in any "build a treehouse book".
Step 1: The First Board
The first board is always the hardest, started with an 8ft 2x6 and a lag.
Step 2: Support and Floor
I used 2x6 to box in floor and 2 10ft 4x4 posts for additional support. I used decking boards for deck.
Step 3: Frame
I used 2x4 for frame and windows from Lowes. Picture of my son helping with frame...
The house itself is 8ft by 8ft but left it 2 feet long in from for a porch and ladder.
The house itself is 8ft by 8ft but left it 2 feet long in from for a porch and ladder.
Step 4: Walls
For the inside I used plywood and cut around tree limbs. On the outside I used treated wood fencing. My brother and Papa hard at work...
Step 5: Door and Ladder
I built my own door using deck boards and screwed together using Z pattern. Ladder is made of 2 2x6 and side and 2x4's for steps
Step 6: Roof
I used 2x6 for support with osb board over top, framed in a sunroof and shingled the rest.
Step 7: Decor
I bought most of the decor from eBay, ship wheel, lantern, flag and skull and crossbones carpet.
Step 8: Finish
Turned out to be a nice camping spot for me and my boys, I put an inflatable mattress and computer for movies. Grandfather and grandson enjoying the camp out...
Step 9: Time and Cost
I took about 100 hours to build with the spare time me and my father had. Total project cost about 1800$. We had a great time building it, and my kids absolutely love having a place of their own.