Introduction: Pirate Invitations ( Wax Seal )

My DIY for Pirate invitations with a skull Wax Seal

My son is turning one and I wanted to have one cool pirate party.
(I love pirates) - So this is how I made the invitations its simple well.....
I wanted to make a cool Wax Seal on them. If I could not do that then I would have to find some thing else. That is why its my first step&. Now there are a few cool seals that are out there but nothing that I wanted, so with a few Ideas I set off on a DIY project and well my cool Skull and Bones carved in wood looked cool but did not work and well dont try Play dough but the Play dough idea did lead to this bead clay that you bake and that is what work for me.

Step 1: Make the Seal 1

Mold this clay so you have a handle, this will let you push down and pull up

Step 2: Make the Seal 2

I found a Skull Ring and you just press it into the clay
I made two and found that the deeper one ended up looking the best.

Once you get it where you like it bake it and it turns hard.

Step 3: Why Is Paper So Much Fun to Look At...

Now that you have that made, find some cool map paper this one is a card stock and it has a ye oldie look
I found that for 50 sheets are about the same price as the a ream (250) now I have paper to use for name tags or some thing.

Make your invitations you can print or draw your

Step 4: Every One Loves FIRE

Every good map has burnt edges I used a torch
it was fast
(I folded them before so I could use the straight edge)
this is how I folded it....

Step 5: Wax Wax and More Wax

Now make your wax if you get it from a craft store you pay.... but I found that if you use paraffin wax and Crayons and it works this is about 3/4 a box with 3 or so red and one silver

Make your wax so its not to hot. I found that it worked best if you can make a glob.

Make your glob.

Stamp or (seal) your letter or what ever you have.

Your Done!!!