Introduction: Pizza Arribbiata

Pizza Arribbiata- Combining two classic Italian dishes to create a spicy, aromatic pizza with mozzarella, basil, and a spicy arribbiata sauce. Serves 4


For the dough:
600g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting
7g dried yeast
4 tbsp olive oil
1tsp caster sugar
380ml warm water
A pinch of salt

For the sauce:
800g canned chopped tomatoes
1 large clove of garlic
7-10 fresh basil leaves
2 tsp oregano
1tsp dried chilli flakes
A generous sprinkle of ground black pepper

For the toppings:
300g mozzarella
Fresh basil leaves

Step 1: Make the Dough

Put the warm water, caster sugar, yeast and oil into a small jug, and let sit for a few minutes while you put the flour and salt into a bowl and push the flour to the sides of the bowl to make a well in the centre.

Then pour the contents of the jug into the well, and push small bits of flour from the sides of the bowl into the centre and mix it gently with your hands. Your hands will get messy, but this is easy to fix by coating your hands in flour and rubbing them together.

Once you have a slightly sticky dough, put it onto a lightly floured work surface. If it isn’t slightly sticky, either add a little bit of water (if it is too dry with remaining pieces of flour), or a little extra flour (if it is too wet and keeps sticking to your hands, and/ or the bowl) until it reaches the desired consistency.

With your dough on the floured work surface, lightly flour both hands to stop the dough from sticking and knead the dough. Push with the heels of your hands and then fold it in half, then give it a quarter turn, and repeat for 5-10 minutes.

Once this has been completed, put it back in the bowl, cover with a tea towel or loosely wrapped cling film, and leave in a warm place for about an hour, or until the dough has doubled in size.

Step 2: Making the Sauce

Slice the onion thinly and put in a pan on a low heat with a drizzle of olive oil for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid it burning.
Crush, mince or finely dice the garlic then put it into the pan with the onion until it’s lightly browned. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, chilli flakes, black pepper and oregano and let simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn’t burn.
Then add the basil leaves, and let simmer for an additional 10 minutes, then take it off the heat.

Step 3: Assembly

Preheat oven to 180° Celsius/ 360° Fahrenheit

Take out the bread dough and knead it again, this time only a couple of kneads are necessary, then divide it into two evenly sized balls.

Roll the balls out to either a 30cm/ 12in x 30cm/ 12in circle, or to whatever size fits on any baking sheet you might own. Then take a good sized spoonful of the sauce, and spread it evenly across the pizza base, while leaving a 1.5- 2 cm/ 1/2-3/4 in crust around the outside. Put a few basil leaves onto the pizza, rip the mozzarella and spread it evenly over the pizza, then put in the oven and cook for 15-25 minutes, or until the crust is crisp and golden brown.