Introduction: Homemade Pizza Rolls

About: Community Manager for Instructables and Tinkercad.

Good for any occasion (including the SuperBowl), pizza rolls are just a classic. And while they are easy to buy, they are pretty easy to make and personalize!

Step 1: Supplies

  • Pizza Dough - 13.8 oz store bought pre made
  • Pizza Sauce - I used about 6 oz of a 14 oz jar
  • Mozzarella Cheese - I used about 4 oz of a 16 oz bag
  • Pepperoni or filling of choice - I had an 8 oz bag and probably didn't use half

Other Supplies:
Recipe will make 20 Pizza Rolls

* These are the ingredients and amounts I used.  I hope everyone will make it with whatever ingredients they like best whether it be a certain store-bought brand or fresh homemade ingredients :)

Step 2: Prepare

To start off, your pepperonis are too big to fit into your Pizza Rolls.  You can buy them in smaller pieces already (I'm sure) or cut them up.  I wanted nice small pieces so I cut them into 4 strips and then cut those strips three more times to get 16 little pieces from one pepperoni.

To get the dough ready, spread it out.  If it is store bought, it should fairly easily spread into a nice rectangle.  You are going to cut this into 5 strips and cut each strip into 4 pieces, making 20 rolls.  After you cut them, get them ready to be made into rolls by carefully stretching the squares so they are more of a rectangle.  

Sometimes your dough might be too thin.  I found this wasn't too hard to fix.  Take your square that needs fixing and fold it like you would a piece of paper and press it together. (folding it twice gets it back into a nice square)  As long as it doesn't have any holes now, you can lightly stretch it into a rectangle.

Lay these out.  I just did a couple at a time.

Step 3: Assemble and Bake

Time to put the rolls together.
  1. Spread sauce on the pizza roll, but don't get too close to the edges and try not to put on too much.
  2. Put some cheese on one side of the rectangle
  3. Put your toppings on top of the cheese
  4. Carefully grab the side that doesn't have the extra toppings (right side in my pictures) and stretch it lightly while bring it to meet the other side (left side)
  5. Carefully pinch the edges together holding in all of the toppings.

I greased my pan with some baking spray, but I don't know if you have to.  I just figured, better safe than sorry.

Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about 8 minutes.  Take them out and flip them and then bake them for about 5 more minutes.  If the open up, you will hear some sizzling.  This is fine, it happens.  Just bake them until they are completely cooked.

(If you are wondering why I just did 4, it is just because I wanted to make sure they would work before I went for it.  I baked all the rest after these came out of the oven.)

Step 4: Enjoy

Time to eat them!  Many of mine burst open, like store bought Pizza Rolls tend to do, but they still tasted good!