Introduction: Places to Find Electronic Components
In this tutorial i will be telling you where to find electronic components lets begin...
Step 1: WARNING:
Some Electronics can be dangerous when not handled correctly use extreme cation and do not hurt your self
Step 2: Begin the Search
Look around your house for old unused electronics such as
battery backups
CFl light bulb's
Led light bulbs
Ice Makers
power supply's
hard drives
light fixtures
cd drive
blue ray drive
computer monitors
electric air fresheners
old toys
And More...
Step 3: Start Disassembling
Start Removing Screws and anything that looks like it might be holding it shut
Sometimes adhesive is used to old stuff shut so it may take some prying
Discharge the capacitors by crossing the terminals with a insulated screw driver so that you don't get shocked
Use a soldering iron and start to remove components
if you don't have a soldering iron i will show you how to make one in a latter tutorial But for now you can use some cutters and a flat blade screw driver and remove them I cant guarantee all parts will be removed in one piece
Step 4: Success
So now you know where to find parts
Good luck
Be Safe
And Have fun