Introduction: Planter's Pouch
You will need:
Duct tape and scissors
There are many ways to make one of these. I have found they come in quite handy when I need a container for letterboxes. I tried to make them simple. No measuring. Just cutting and taping together.
Duct tape and scissors
There are many ways to make one of these. I have found they come in quite handy when I need a container for letterboxes. I tried to make them simple. No measuring. Just cutting and taping together.
Step 1: Starting
First cut out a strip the length you want your pouch to be. Make sure you are leaving room to cut off excess on the top and bottom later on. Its better to make it longer and cut off more then have it to short and need to start over. Cut another piece trying to keep the same length. Place that strip over the sticky area of the first strip. Remember sticky sides always together. Set aside and repeat getting two finished strips.
Step 2: Body Width
The box I need dosnt have to be to big so I make another strip almost like the one before but I over lapped it with a finished strip. So add two strips to each finished strip you made before. Cut them about the same size and again place one strip down and then another over the sticky side.
Step 3: Body Done!
Now place both pieces on top of each other. Line up one edge. If the other edge dosnt match up thats alright. Just make sure the gap isnt to much of a difference. If it is you might need to trim it a bit. Cut another piece and connect the bottom and top to make it one piece. An O shape.
Step 4: What Size Do You Need?
The ends are ragged and we are going to fix that now. Cut off the excess from both ends. Place what you are making the pouch for on top so you can see the room you really need.
Step 5: The Bottom
Now we are going to seal up an end. Cut a piece a little longer then one open end. Place it about half way down the sticky end along the bottom edge of the pouch. Snip the exposed tape and wrap around. Its hard to describe so I took pictures to show you. Then wrap the other half around and fold in the sides. The bottom is done!
Step 6: The Top
Now lets do the top. Cut a piece slightly longer then the top opening and set aside. Cut another about the same size and place over the sticky side of the one you just cut. Then like we did with the sides we are going to attach another strip to that piece. We dont need to cut this one to long. Think a triangle shape. Cut a smaller piece and over lap it with the piece you just made. Then cut another about the same length and place it over the sticky side.
Step 7: Connecting the Flap
Place the longer side along the opening of the pouch. Cut a piece to connect the two. Make sure its longer so you can wrap it around like you did with the bottom. Check pictures if you are unsure.
Step 8: Flap Shape
Now the triangle will come into play. From the top where you wrapped around cut up in an angle. The degree of the angle is up to you. This is the part of the top that will be the flap. do the same on both sides.
Step 9: Finishing Up
Last step! Cut another piece making sure its longer then the length of the opening of the pouch. Fold over three times making a skinny piece. This part is going to keep your flap in place. Move the skinny piece to where you want it on the pouch. Now is the time to trim it to be the same length across. Cut two smaller pieces and place them along the ends and wrap around.
Step 10: Done!
Now its all done. Place what you would like inside and pull the flap down under the bar we attached. Hope this helps.