Introduction: Plastic Catcher

Our Device is called The Plastic Catcher. Our device is targeting Macro Plastic and micro plastic. How this device works is that there is a metal netting on the outside for the plastic to go in. We chose the metal netting as if we used other materials for example say a big plastic tries to go in but cannot it will get stuck together and the system however, if we use metal it will bounce off otherwise. We also chose it because it makes sure so the animals don't get stuck in the device After the plastic goes through there are two layers of filter, filter 1 is more easier for plastic to get through that are small but still catch some macro plastic. the 2nd filter is made of silk cloth it captures most micro plastic. at the end there is no wall so the water can flow right through. on the ceiling of the Plastic Catcher there are two opening that can be opened by our bamboo handles. We have these openings so after you are finished with the plastic catcher you can open it up and collect the plastic that you caught.

Step 1: Beach Cleanup and Analysis

We went to beach on a public bus. We first needed to cut out PVC pipes and make them into a square using L joints. after constructing it we placed it on the sand and started digging. the challenge was that we needed to micro plastic and plastic in sand buy dumping sad into a sieve. once we found it we put it into a jar. The next activity was that we needed to collect one bottle worth of water and bring it back. Once we got back we filtered our water then with Jason we analysised it in a microscope and we found fibers in it and organic and inorganic stuff inside the water. We then looked through a device and took photos of the plastic. We had a discussion at the end of the day. We thought that it was pretty interesting when we were looking through the microscope.

Step 2: Prototype and Brainstorming

For Half of the day we first were brainstorming about what we could think of for our device then writing on sticky notes what we wanted our design to look like. Then we discussed with our group what we wanted it to be. After discussing and reaching to a final agreement we started making our version 1 prototype. We first started drawing on the cardboard where we needed to cut and where we were supposed to stick it. we then started to find materials to act as out mesh net and filters. We also left the ceiling on top out as it could show how the inside would look like. We then presented our prototype and talked about what it would do to save the ocean and what materials we would use and why. After the presentation we started to make our version 2 prototype but instead of having the prototype in a miniature size we had to make it much bigger and detailed .

Step 3: Planning

On the next day we needed to plan who would do what. Our group decided that half of our group members will do the metal netting and base while some do the filters and other things we needed to accomplish. Once agreed on everything we wrote down on our material list what we needed to buy for our device.

Step 4: Shopping

We went around Tsuen Wan and looked at many local stores to find the materials we needed. Our group was looking for acrylic sheets for our design. We then found a store which sold them. The problem was that if we chose the thickness we needed it would of costed over our budget of 500 HKD. so instead of getting size 3 we got some that were 2.5. It costed us around 480 HKD. We then waited for 15 minutes until we needed to carry them back to maker bay.

Step 5: Problem

On the day we started off by marking out on the bamboo where we needed to cut. We then used a handsaw to cut it. We then started to make the bamboo base. By the afternoon everyone was frustrated and we discussed and decided that we would try and restart and finish it in 6 hours on the next day. I think that the main problems were that we used bamboo instead of other suitable materials as for instance PVC pipes as they can connect to each other but bamboo cannot. I also think one problem was that we did not use some of machines as we thought we could not use them. I think that was the hardest day because it was harder to make decision

Step 6: Changing

We started off the day by making our PVC pipe base and keeping it extra tight with some glue. we then started to make the wood walls. we had to find thin wood pieces and start marking out where we needed to cut. . We then made the floor and bottom with wood with the wood cutter. We also made the metal netting and filters.We felt that we did a pretty good job in one day after all of the catch up work after our failures.

Step 7: Testing

Once we finished making our device we carried it up to the roof so we could test it in the swimming pool if it can float and if it works. We found out that it works and it can float bu however, It points down as there is more weight at the front. Cesar recommended that we should put weights or something so we can stabilize it. We were pretty happy as it was successful and we completed it in 6 hours.

Step 8: Finishing Touch

On the last day we started adding stuff like handles so we can carry our device efficiently and more safely. We also made sure that the metal mesh was more safe as we cut ourselves when carrying it to test it. We also painted our device blue around it and put our group icon on top of it. We also put some rope if someone has a boat they can have the connector. We also needed to make the Inscrutable presentation too which was pretty hard to make.

Step 9: Conclusion

I think that our performance in the first few days were pretty poor however on the last few days are behavior is improving. I think that our plastic catcher actually works and could be used and could be distributed all around the world. however the disadvantage is the weight as it is very heavy because of the wood. I think that everyone was really happy at the end as we caught up after our difficulties. Our team learned many things such as adaptation, because we had to adapt to difficult situations. We also learned construction skills aswell because at first we did not have a lot of experience.