Introduction: Plastic Egg Glow Bugs

About: Recently I read that there are over 60 million American households that participate in some form of crafting in a given year. Well, I am one of them . . . . . I love crafting !!! So please enjoy some of my c…

Just in time for Easter . . These adorable little bugs are super cute and super easy to make. Just poke a few holes into the eggs for legs and antlers, glue on some eyes, draw on a mouth and insert a flame-less tea-light. Quick, easy, and totally cute!

Step 1: What You Will Need

Pipe cleaners

Plastic eggs

Sharpie marker


Google eyes

Flame-less tea lights

Sharp but blunt tool (I used an old peanut pick)

Step 2: Instructions

1) Measure and cut pipe cleaners approximately 2 inches long

Cut 6 for the legs and 2 for the antlers

2) With sharp but blunt tool, punch holes into the plastic eggs

3 along each side for the legs and 2 on top for the antlers

3) Insert cut pipe cleaner legs and antlers into the eggs

Bend pipe cleaners to resemble bug legs and antlers

4) Glue on google eyes

5) Draw on a mouth with a Sharpie marker

6) Insert flame-less tea light

7) ENJOY !!!

Step 3: More Plastic Egg Glow Bug Pictures