Introduction: Play Gameboy /Color Games on Android!

All retro gamers know and love the gameboy. So wouldn't it be cool if you could play them for free? On a device you use every Day? Well grab your android phone/tablet and let's get working!

Android device
Some time to blow

Step 1: Get Emulator

So to begin, go to the play store and search: John GBC Lite (its free) and download it. Put it on your home screen.

Step 2:!

Open up you browser and copy-paste into it. Search a few awesome gameboy or gameboy color games.
(ex. Links Awakening, Pokemon Gold) Click the download button.

Step 3: Enjoy Your 8-bitty Goodness!

Open up John GBC. It should search your device and find your downloaded games. If not, post in the comments and I'll try to help.
Hope you enjoy! (I guarantee this virus free.)
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