Introduction: Play Rock Band 2 With a Real Guitar and Boxing Gloves
Does the plastic guitar controller of Rock band and Guitar Hero make you feel silly? Wouldn’t you rather play the Harmonix games with a REAL guitar? Of course you do! And how about getting punched in the shoulder with boxing gloves as you play, just to make it all more interesting?
An explanation might be in order: In the video I'm playing Rock Band 2 with a real guitar, but I swapped out the strumming with a boxing glove.
You can see a complete tutorial on how to do this on my blog.
Tested with Rock Band and DJ Hero.
Norwegian audio but the end where we play this monster is worth watching.An explanation might be in order: In the video I'm playing Rock Band 2 with a real guitar, but I swapped out the strumming with a boxing glove.
You can see a complete tutorial on how to do this on my blog.