Introduction: Playable Quilted Mario Snuggie
This is a request from my daughter. All of her friends have snuggies and she felt left out. I couldn’t just let her have any old snuggie and thus this monster was born. Not only can coins and power-ups be put in the question boxes, there are also two built in pockets. One for your favorite Mario characters and power-ups and the other sized for your Nintendo 3DS. All the pipes are open on the top for character placement and three music boxes at the beginning of each level to play the corresponding music. This quilt was done entirely by hand as my poor sewing machine finally met its end on my Monster Beanbag project. The design was based on Super Mario 3 levels 1-1, the first Fortress and 3-5.
This quilt isn't quite ready yet, but I wanted to get it submitted in time for the contest. I hope to have it completely finish for the end of the quilting contest.
Step 1: Picking Out Your Fabric
I used a mixture of fleece and flannel for the quilt but I think the flannel was the better choice. Fleece was difficult to quilt and I would suggest using all flannel or cotton for your quilt. All these measurements takes into account that the fabric is at least 40" across with the backing needing to be 46".
Backing 5 yards
Light Blue 3 yards
Black 2 yards
Royal Blue 2 yards
Light Gray 1 yard
Tan 1 yard
Green 1/4 yard
Pink 1/4 yard
White 1/4 yard
Dark Blue 1/4 yard
Red 1/4 yard
Yellow 1/4 yard
Step 2: Additional Materials
Primary colors pack of embroidery floss
Graph paper
Fine tip sharpie markers
Seam Ripper (mistakes happen)
White Velcro Strips
Fabric Markers
Measuring tape
18" and a 6" quilting hoops
Sharp Yarn Needle (not sure of the technical name for these monster needles)
Regular needles
Quilting pins
Thimble (the soft leather ones work the best for me)
3-20 second push button sound modules
Light Blue
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Step 3: Cross Stich Pieces
These are made out of 14 mesh plastic canvas to make them sturdier and fabric sewed on the back to hide the mess of thread. Not all the characters will be exclusively from Mario 3 as my daughter loves Yoshi and prefers Daisy over Peach. These are just a few of the patterns I have found or made. I'll get the rest posted as I finish them.
The characters I have made (or in the process of making) are.
Raccoon Mario
Frog Suit Mario
Flying Goomba
Red Mushroom
Fire Flower
Koopa Troopa
Flying Koopa Troopa
Green/Red Fish
Princess Daisy
Step 4: Cutting Out Main Blocks.
Light blue
37" x 51"
Two 28" x 22" (sleeves)
Royal Blue and Black
17" x 51"
55" x 46"
Two 28" x 22" (sleeves)
Step 5: Grey Pieces
G1- 5" x 7"
G2- 6" x 15"
G3- 7" x 13"
G4- 9" x 51"
G5- 5" x 15"
G6- 3" x 7"
G7- 3" x 6"
G8- 4" x 4"
G9- 2" x 7"
G10- 5" x 8"
Step 6: Green Pieces
GR1- 6" x 10"
GR2-4 2" x 3"
GR5- 3" x 6"
GR6- 3" x 5"
GR7- 4" x 8"
GR8- 11" x 13"
Step 7: Brown Pieces
B1&2- 3" x 51" (you may need to piece together 2 strips)
B3- 3" x 5"
B4- 2" x 5"
B5- 2" x 4"
B6- 5" x 15"
B7- 3" x 6"
B8- 3" x 4"
Step 8: Red Pieces
R2- 3" x 3"
R3- 3" x 13"
Step 9: Pink Pieces
P2- 8" x 12"
P3- 2" x 51" (you may need to piece together 2 strips)
Step 10: White Pieces
W2- 6" x 9"
Step 11: Light Blue Pieces
LB1 3" x 8"
LB2 3" x 5"
Step 12: Black Pieces
BL1&2- 2" x 4"
BL3&4- 2" x 6"
BL5- 2" x 7"
Step 13: Dark Blue Pieces
DB3- 2" x 4"
DB4- 2" x 5"
Step 14: Preping the Pieces
Now that you have spent the better part of the day cutting out your pieces you are now ready to mark all of them. Get out your fabric pens and a ruler. You will need one for dark fabric and one for light. Once that is done you will need to fold the edges under and use basting stitches to keep everything in place.
Step 15: Make Pockets
Step 16: Attaching the Main Pieces
Attach the black to the light blue, there should be 16" of each color.
Attach B1 to G4.
Attach B2 to P3.
Step 17: Attach Pieces
Attach the pieces to the main backgrounds. Be prepared to be doing this for quite a few days. I got through three season's of Ugly Betty and four of Law & Order SVU doing this step. The layout is 1 to 1".
Step 18: Make Sleeves
Fold the Light Blue Sleeves and sew it on the edge. Do the same with the Backing Piece Sleeves. Turn the backing inside out and put it inside the blue sleeve leave an 1 1/2" hanging out of the top. Fold the edge a quarter of an inch down and then fold it over the light blue to for an edging.
Step 19: Attaching the Backing
Lay your backing right side down on a very large table or in my case the floor and lay your quilt on top of it. Use large basting stiches to sew the layers together. Fold the edging over like you did with the sleeves and sew. Use yarn to permantly attach the layers together. Doing it in chains (picture ) makes the process a lot faster. use the background color but only go though the background layer so as not to interfere with your pattern.
Step 20: Attaching the Sleeves
Using a large quilting hoop to keep the fabric taut makes this step much easier. Your want your sleeve hole to be oval in shape. Sew basting stiches an inch in from the hole to keep the fabric from seperating.
Cutout the hole with an inch of fabric and snip so it folds easily.
Fold the backing fabric between the two fabrics.
Fold down the blue fabric on the sleeve and fold down the backing fabric 1". Attach the backing fabric on the top, bottom, left, and right and then continue sewing until secure.
Flip the quilt over and fold the blue fabric in 1" and use the same process to sew them together.
Repeat with other sleeve.
Step 21: Hand Quilting
This is probally the most tedious part of this quilt and one that I am not done with yet. Every single grey block must be outlined in black as well as the x in the middle. The Brown blocks must be done in a wood pattern and outlined. The waves and lava need to be shaped and outlined. The bushes need to be outlined and defined.This step alone has taken me days and I am still only halfway through. But I'll keep sewing on!!
Step 22: Circles and Music Note Boxes/Pockets
I will post the pocket construction to hold the sound recorder as soon as I can.
Step 23: Finally!!!
This step is a bit misleading as I am still not done, but I hope to be soon. Thank you for reading as I sure not many of you have read it all the way through to this step. :) If you do try this out, make sure you get a soft leather thimble so as to not destroy your fingers.