Introduction: Plywood USB Drive Cover
This is my first instructable :) In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a case for your USB drive out of plywood.
You will need:
- USB drive
- plywood
- pen or pencil
- sharpie
- knife and/or chisel
- saw
- sandpaper
- optional: paint or wood stain
You will need:
- USB drive
- plywood
- pen or pencil
- sharpie
- knife and/or chisel
- saw
- sandpaper
- optional: paint or wood stain
Step 1: Select a Piece of Plywood.
Cut yourself a piece of plywood that is long and wide enough to fit the USB drive
Step 2: Split the Plywood in Half.
Use a knife or a chisel to split the plywood in half. This will expose our working area.
Step 3: Mark and Cut.
Mark the area you need to cut on both halves. You will need to carve out the area with a knife or a chisel (I used a knife). If area you are carving is hard, soak it in Sharpie marker. Not only will the soaking make the wood softer, but it helps mark out the area you need to cut.
Step 4: Glue Parts Together.
I used superglue for this step. Glue the drive onto one of the pieces of wood and then glue the two pieces together.
Step 5: Mark, Cut, and Sand.
Once more, mark where you will be cutting the wood. You don't need that big of a saw (I used a small handsaw.) Once you have everything cut out, all you have to do is sand it and you're done! You can also paint it, stain it, and why not wood burn something cool into it? It's all up to you.