Introduction: Pocket Sized Disk Launcher
It had been a long time for me trying to make a shooter, but today I got the Idea of making this Disk Launcher.
It works really well and looks awesome, you can make this by following very easy steps. I wish that you like it.
Step 1: Material
All you gonna need is
- A piece of cardboard
- Syringe
- Ruler
- Marker
- Popsicles
- P.V.A Glue
- Glue Gun
- Coloured sheets
- Scissors
- Cutter
Step 2: Cardboard Measuring
Now using the ruler and marker draw 2 pieces of 8x6cm. Now cut them using a knife or a pair of scissors.
Step 3: Marking of Popsicles
Now using the marker mark 2 parallel lines with an eight cm gap between them.
Step 4: Cut the Popsicles
Now using the scissors cut on the marks. Do the same with the other popsicle
Step 5: Paste the Popsicles
Now paste the popsicles on the cardboard using the glue gun.
Do the same on the parallel side
Step 6: Cutting the Syringe
Now using the knife cut the syringe into a tube, this will act as a storage unit for the disks
Step 7: Marking
Now take the second cardboard and mark the circumference of the syringe and cut it. And using the Glue gun paste the tube over it
Step 8:
Take two popsicles and cut them of equal length to use it to pull. Now cover it with a sheet of paper
Step 9: Join Both the Cardboards
Now take both the cardboards and join them end - end using glue gun
Step 10: Making the Grooves
Now make 2 grooves parallel the each other on any one end of the cardboard block to put the rubberbands in
Step 11: Blocker for the Puller
Now take the piece which was made to pull and mark its length and cut the popsicles. paste them on any one end. And make a groove on the same end
Step 12: Joining the Rubber Bands
Now through the grooves put two rubber bands and make them intersect on the puller groove as shown in the images above
Step 13: Decoration
Now using the paper decorate the it and the launcher is ready
Step 14: Now Its Launch Time
Now put any small Disk or coin and pull the puller and shoot